Registered under society registration act 1860, as Northern Ophthalmological Society (NOS), Uttar Pradesh ophthalmological society consists primarily of the Ophthalmologists belonging to Uttar Pradesh. Some of the members belong to Uttarakhand, which was part of Uttar Pradesh then.
Aimed to cultivate and promote among members, understanding of the contemporary and evolving fields of ophthalmology, the society helps in supporting research and human resource development related to the subject. The society also provides the platform for the fellow ophthalmologists for interaction and fellowship to ultimately help in the treatment and education of the society at large, thus try to fight the misery of people suffering from eye diseases.
The objects of the society are cultivation and promotion of the study and practice of ophthalmic sciences, research and man-power development with a view to render service to the community and to promote social contacts amongst the ophthalmologists of the country.
Our society is linked to various district societies of the state. Similarly it is also associated with other state, national and international ophthalmic societies. The society is run by an executive body. Various awards are given in our annual conference. "UP journal of Ophthalmology" is the journal published by the society. The other details are mentioned in the memorandum of association.